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Referenced by the UGAP
UGAP (Union des Groupements d’Achats Publics) is the only generalist public purchasing center 100% dedicated to public purchasing. It provides a quality offer from suppliers who are each recognized in their sector for their know-how. For you, ordering from UGAP is secure, immediate and easy. A real tool for simplifying public ordering, UGAP allows the rationalization and centralization of purchases for all public organizations.
Our solution is now available to all public purchasers, without a tender procedure.
Find our solution in the UGAP software offer.
Referred by ACSES
The ACSES (Association des Chargés de Sécurité des Établissements de Soins), created in 1994, counts today about 480 members, spread over the whole French territory, including Corsica and DOM/TOM. The Association of Security Officers of Healthcare Establishments has won the recognition of all professionals and companies in the security sector to become today a representative and essential partner in this field.
For more than 3 years, REGISTRESECURITE.COM has been a member of the Association des Chargés de Sécurité en Établissements de Soins ( ACSES).
The actors of the fire is a privileged member of the new directory reserved for fire safety actors.